The Christmas Dance Recital
A week ago, I took my four-hour drive to watch my young granddaughter perform at her Christmas dance recital. I left home a little later than I planned as I made last minute arrangements to care for my animals. The drive was going smoothly, and it gave me time to...
Interview with French Quarter Magazine
Saved by Libby
While I was teaching history years ago, I got very sick and fainted in front of my students. I didn’t faint just once, but a few times. One time, I looked down and the floor was moving. I looked up, and two ninth grade students were dragging me to the office. I...
Finding the Courage to Overcome Obstacles
I have the perfect story I will call that 1% challenge. I live in a beautiful little city of Santa Clara in Southern Utah. Like you, I have served my community throughout the years in many different capacities. This last summer, I decided that I wanted to run for City...
Women of Courage
They say that behind every successful & great man, is a good woman! Since it’s Women in History Month, I am going to focus on a few stories around the women of the American Revolution. It is rare that you’ve heard the stories of many of these women. But the...
The Stone
It happened suddenly in the middle of the night. A sharp pain in my lower back as if I was being stabbed by a knife. It hurt so bad it took my breath away. I sat up in bed and tried to see if I could get some relief when the pain subsided for a short while. Then...
Courage About Needles
This is a little laughable to even admit this to myself or anyone who will listen. I can’t stand needles! I had to get my blood drawn today. I know the doctor ordered me to get blood tests done, but it’s very stressful for me. Times like these make me...
The $300 Lesson
"The best thing that money can buy is freedom from worrying about money" — Unknown In November of 2007, I got this gut feeling and thought in my head, that I needed to go see a CPA about my taxes. This thought made me wonder what was happening and I felt...
"Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others." — Brene Brown It does not feel good when someone we know well, is taking advantage and using us. Today I was faced with the challenge of setting a...
Letting Go
“Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back and reasons to stay.” — The Dalai Lama I was the youngest of four children. My siblings had all moved on in college and marriage. It was quiet at home and sometimes very lonely. The last three years of high...
“It takes a lot of courage to have an attitude of Gratitude during the dark times. But once you have it, it empowers you.” — Joshua Tongol I have had times in my life when I was in the depths of despair. We will all go through dark times in our life. Since I’m now...
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C.S. Lewis Last year, something “fell in my lap” so to speak and I went for it even though I was in my sixties. A woman nominated me in the Ms. Senior Utah Pageant. I was flattered especially since...