
Saved by Libby

While I was teaching history years ago, I got very sick and fainted in front of my students. I didn’t faint just once, but a few times. One time, I looked down and the floor was moving. I looked up, and two ninth grade students were dragging me to the office.

 I went to the doctor, and after several tests, it was determined that I had type 1 diabetes. This shocked me because I had always tried to eat right, and stay fit, as I also taught dance. The doctor asked me if I had been under any stress lately, as I was the oldest patient, he had that was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. (T1D) I told him I had just been through a horrible divorce. It was extremely stressful. He believed that the stress from the divorce is what caused the T1D, although I could’ve had the propensity for it later in life.  

After seven years of being alone, I found my wonderful husband, Paul.  We dated for a year and got married. We decided to get a baby Golden Retriever, and we named her Libby. Paul was a sales manager for the Western States, and sometimes he was gone a week at a time. So, I took Libby to a trainer to be my T1D alert dog. It gave me comfort because I was having a hard time controlling my blood sugars. I am amazed at how dogs can help humans in so many ways, besides being sweet and comforting companions. A year later, I had a friend who asked me to take one of her kittens. I told Paul, and we decided to take a chance and rescue this kitten, we named Chloe. She immediately loved Libby, but it took a while for Libby to warm up to her. Now, it is cute to watch them play and sleep together. 


I will never forget the date, June 25, 2019. I remember the day because it was my parents’ anniversary. Paul was away on a business trip. I was sleeping very sound and comfortably, but I was also in danger.  I suddenly woke up with Libby’s big tongue licking my face. I could hardly move, but I realized my blood sugar must be very low. There are many symptoms that come from having low blood sugar. You can’t think, and have a foggy mind, shaking, clamminess, hard to move, lethargic, dizzy, etc. I tested my blood, and I was 20. A normal blood sugar is 100. Zero, and you’re dead. An ambulance wouldn’t have made it in time to save me.  I had a small orange juice by my bed, and I quickly drank it down. Libby literally saved my life!  I’m grateful for her every day. 

My husband, Paul was diagnosed with a fatal disease of Multiple System Atrophy. (MSA) It is a rare disease. Libby was by his side every night, trying to lick him better. When Paul passed away, I was grieving and so was Libby. She got very sick and didn’t eat or sleep well, for over a week. 

I love my fur babies, Libby, and Chloe. They keep me company and have helped me through the tough phase of being a widow. 

I am forever grateful for my precious Golden Retriever, who saved my life. 

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