“Kindness, Kindness, Kindness. I want to make a New Year’s prayer, not a resolution. I’m praying for courage.” — Susan Sontag
I would like to see our world as a kinder place again. I remember growing up in a day where you said, “Yes ma’am” and “No Sir” and learned to respect the elderly. I obeyed my parents. The older generation has lived long enough to have a lot of wisdom to share, but do we give them a chance to share their wisdom? It’s important to show kindness and listen to their past experiences and show genuine interest in what they have to say. I remember growing up in a world where a smile can go a long way and spread a little cheer. It was not unusual to see someone go out of their way to help a woman carrying groceries to her car, taking time to help a child cross the street or neighbors gathering around a friend who has just lost a loved one. We knew our neighbors and watched out for each other’s children. We used to spend time talking face to face, not looking at a cell phone when we were right next to each other.
Have you stopped to help a lost child looking for their parent in a store? Every day there are many ways to show kindness and make this world a better place. We are all connected and regardless of our different backgrounds, ethnicity, or gender, we need to use courage to bring more kindness back into this world.
I will make a difference by having the courage to pray for ways to spread kindness.